Print Table on console in Python

Displaying your data on the console in the form of a formatted table can be useful in many cases. It makes it easy to look at the data. In this post, I will discuss different modules that can help you accomplish the job.



pip install PrettyTable



Import PrettyTable from the prettytable module and create a new table. Then, you can use the add_row function to add a new row to the table.

from prettytable import PrettyTable

my_table = PrettyTable()

my_table.add_row([1, "Bob", 6, 11])
my_table.add_row([2, "Freddy", 4, 10])
my_table.add_row([3, "John", 7, 13])



| Field 1 | Field 2 | Field 3 | Field 4 |
|    1    |   Bob   |    6    |    11   |
|    2    |  Freddy |    4    |    10   |
|    3    |   John  |    7    |    13   |

The fields are marked as Field 1, Field 2, and so on. If you want custom field names, you can use field_names to achieve that.

from prettytable import PrettyTable

my_table = PrettyTable()

my_table.field_names = ["No.", "Name", "Grade", "Age"]

my_table.add_row([1, "Bob", 6, 11])
my_table.add_row([2, "Freddy", 4, 10])
my_table.add_row([3, "John", 7, 13])



| No. |  Name  | Grade | Age |
|  1  |  Bob   |   6   |  11 |
|  2  | Freddy |   4   |  10 |
|  3  |  John  |   7   |  13 |

Sort the rows of Table

Pretty Table also provides the feature to sort the data with respect to a particular field. For example, if we wanted to sort people by their age in the above table, we could use the sortby option.

from prettytable import PrettyTable

my_table = PrettyTable()

my_table.field_names = ["No.", "Name", "Grade", "Age"]

my_table.add_row([1, "Bob", 6, 11])
my_table.add_row([2, "Freddy", 4, 10])
my_table.add_row([3, "John", 7, 13])

my_table.sortby = 'Age'



| No. |  Name  | Grade | Age |
|  2  | Freddy |   4   |  10 |
|  1  |  Bob   |   6   |  11 |
|  3  |  John  |   7   |  13 |

The data is sorted in ascending order. If it is required to sort the data in descending order, the reversesort option can be used.

from prettytable import PrettyTable

my_table = PrettyTable()

my_table.field_names = ["No.", "Name", "Grade", "Age"]

my_table.add_row([1, "Bob", 6, 11])
my_table.add_row([2, "Freddy", 4, 10])
my_table.add_row([3, "John", 7, 13])

my_table.sortby = 'Age'

my_table.reversesort = True

| No. |  Name  | Grade | Age |
|  3  |  John  |   7   |  13 |
|  1  |  Bob   |   6   |  11 |
|  2  | Freddy |   4   |  10 |

Delete the rows of Table

The function del_row can be used to delete a row from the table. It takes the row number as the parameter.

from prettytable import PrettyTable

my_table = PrettyTable()

my_table.field_names = ["No.", "Name", "Grade", "Age"]

my_table.add_row([1, "Bob", 6, 11])
my_table.add_row([2, "Freddy", 4, 10])
my_table.add_row([3, "John", 7, 13])


| No. | Name | Grade | Age |
|  1  | Bob  |   6   |  11 |
|  3  | John |   7   |  13 |

Clear All Data

All the data can be cleared by using the function clear_rows.

from prettytable import PrettyTable

my_table = PrettyTable()

my_table.field_names = ["No.", "Name", "Grade", "Age"]

my_table.add_row([1, "Bob", 6, 11])
my_table.add_row([2, "Freddy", 4, 10])
my_table.add_row([3, "John", 7, 13])


| No. | Name | Grade | Age |



pip install texttable



When I started reading the Python Package Index Page for this module, I immediately realized that this one is more advanced than the others.

Let’s start with a very simple usage example. Print a simple table.

from texttable import Texttable

table = Texttable()
table.header(["No.", "Name", "Grade", "Age"])
table.add_row([1, "Bob", 6, 11])
table.add_row([2, "Freddy", 4, 10])
table.add_row([3, "John", 7, 13])



| No. |  Name  | Grade | Age |
| 1   | Bob    | 6     | 11  |
| 2   | Freddy | 4     | 10  |
| 3   | John   | 7     | 13  |

Add all Rows at once

from texttable import Texttable

table = Texttable()
        ["No.", "Name", "Grade", "Age"],
        [1, "Bob", 6, 11],
        [2, "Freddy", 4, 10],
        [3, "John", 7, 13],



| No. |  Name  | Grade | Age |
| 1   | Bob    | 6     | 11  |
| 2   | Freddy | 4     | 10  |
| 3   | John   | 7     | 13  |

Now let’s talk about the advanced features which let you better format your data.

Set Alignment of the Columns

You can set the alignment of the columns using the set_cols_align function. It takes a list as a parameter in which ‘l’ means left align and ‘r’ means right align.

from texttable import Texttable

table = Texttable()
        ["No.", "Name", "Grade", "Age"],
        [1, "Bob", 6, 11],
        [2, "Freddy", 4, 10],
        [3, "John", 7, 13],

table.set_cols_align(['l', 'l', 'r', 'r'])

| No. |  Name  | Grade | Age |
| 1   | Bob    |     6 |  11 |
| 2   | Freddy |     4 |  10 |
| 3   | John   |     7 |  13 |

Set the data type

We can also set the data types of the columns using the set_cols_dtype function. Please note that the data type must be set before setting the data.

from texttable import Texttable

table = Texttable()
table.set_cols_dtype(['i', 't', 'f', 'e', 'a'])
        ["No.", "Name", "Percentage", "exp", "auto"],
        [1, "Bob", 75.36, 25000, "text"],
        [2.0, "Freddy", 95.3, 0.036, 53],
        [3.1, "John", 67.15, 13, 0.0000000056],


Here ‘i’ means integer, ‘t’ means text, and so on. The output of the code is:

| No. |  Name  | Percentage |    exp    | auto  |
| 1   | Bob    | 75.360     | 2.500e+04 | text  |
| 2   | Freddy | 95.300     | 3.600e-02 | 53    |
| 3   | John   | 67.150     | 1.300e+01 | 0.000 |

Here is a list of different data types that you can set.

aautomatic (try to use the most appropriate datatype)
ttreat as text
ftreat as float in decimal format
etreat as float in exponential format
itreat as int

Vertical Alignment of Columns

You can also set the vertical alignment of the columns in case any row contains more than one line of info. You will set ‘t’ for top, ‘m’ for middle and ‘b’ for bottom.

from texttable import Texttable

table = Texttable()
table.set_cols_dtype(['i', 't', 'f', 'e', 'a'])
table.set_cols_valign(['m', 'm', 't', 'b', 'm'])
        ["No.", "Name", "Top", "Bottom", "Middle"],
        [1, "Dr.\nBob\nAlice", 75.36, 25000, "text"],
        [2.0, "Mr.\nFreddy\nJ.", 95.3, 0.036, 53],
        [3.1, "John\nA.", 67.15, 13, 0.0000000056],

| No. |  Name  |  Top   |  Bottom   | Middle |
|     | Dr.    | 75.360 |           |        |
| 1   | Bob    |        |           | text   |
|     | Alice  |        | 2.500e+04 |        |
|     | Mr.    | 95.300 |           |        |
| 2   | Freddy |        |           | 53     |
|     | J.     |        | 3.600e-02 |        |
| 3   | John   | 67.150 |           | 0.000  |
|     | A.     |        | 1.300e+01 |        |

Set decoration type

You can use the set_deco function to set the decoration of the table. The following options are available.

Texttable.BORDERBorder around the table
Texttable.HEADERHorizontal line below the header
Texttable.HLINESHorizontal lines between rows
Texttable.VLINESVertical lines between columns

All of these options are enabled by default. Let’s see how to use them by an example

from texttable import Texttable

table = Texttable()
        ["No.", "Name", "Grade", "Age"],
        [1, "Bob", 6, 11],
        [2, "Freddy", 4, 10],
        [3, "John", 7, 13],


No.    Name    Grade   Age
1     Bob      6       11 
2     Freddy   4       10 
3     John     7       13 

To use more than one option, use the | operator.

from texttable import Texttable

table = Texttable()
        ["No.", "Name", "Grade", "Age"],
        [1, "Bob", 6, 11],
        [2, "Freddy", 4, 10],
        [3, "John", 7, 13],

table.set_deco(Texttable.HEADER | Texttable.BORDER)

| No.    Name    Grade   Age |
| 1     Bob      6       11  |
| 2     Freddy   4       10  |
| 3     John     7       13  |

TextTable is my favorite module so far



pip install beautifultable



Following is the code for a simple table with a header:

from beautifultable import BeautifulTable

my_table = BeautifulTable()

my_table.column_headers = ["No.", "Name", "Grade", "Age"]

my_table.append_row([1, "Bob", 6, 11])
my_table.append_row([2, "Freddy", 4, 10])
my_table.append_row([3, "John", 7, 13])

| No. |  Name  | Grade | Age |
|  1  |  Bob   |   6   | 11  |
|  2  | Freddy |   4   | 10  |
|  3  |  John  |   7   | 13  |

Sort the rows of the Table

You can sort the rows of the table based on a column’s values. For example, to sort the table by age:

from beautifultable import BeautifulTable

my_table = BeautifulTable()

my_table.column_headers = ["No.", "Name", "Grade", "Age"]

my_table.append_row([1, "Bob", 6, 11])
my_table.append_row([2, "Freddy", 4, 10])
my_table.append_row([3, "John", 7, 13])


| No. |  Name  | Grade | Age |
|  2  | Freddy |   4   | 10  |
|  1  |  Bob   |   6   | 11  |
|  3  |  John  |   7   | 13  |

To sort in descending order, use reverse=True

from beautifultable import BeautifulTable

my_table = BeautifulTable()

my_table.column_headers = ["No.", "Name", "Grade", "Age"]

my_table.append_row([1, "Bob", 6, 11])
my_table.append_row([2, "Freddy", 4, 10])
my_table.append_row([3, "John", 7, 13])

my_table.sort('Age', reverse=True)

| No. |  Name  | Grade | Age |
|  3  |  John  |   7   | 13  |
|  1  |  Bob   |   6   | 11  |
|  2  | Freddy |   4   | 10  |

Insert a Column

Use the insert_column function to insert a column at a particular position

from beautifultable import BeautifulTable

my_table = BeautifulTable()

my_table.column_headers = ["No.", "Name", "Grade", "Age"]

my_table.append_row([1, "Bob", 6, 11])
my_table.append_row([2, "Freddy", 4, 10])
my_table.append_row([3, "John", 7, 13])

my_table.insert_column(2, "Marks", [95, 63, 82])

| No. |  Name  | Marks | Grade | Age |
|  1  |  Bob   |  95   |   6   | 11  |
|  2  | Freddy |  63   |   4   | 10  |
|  3  |  John  |  82   |   7   | 13  |

To insert the column at the end, the append_column function can be used.

from beautifultable import BeautifulTable

my_table = BeautifulTable()

my_table.column_headers = ["No.", "Name", "Grade", "Age"]

my_table.append_row([1, "Bob", 6, 11])
my_table.append_row([2, "Freddy", 4, 10])
my_table.append_row([3, "John", 7, 13])

my_table.append_column("Marks", [95, 63, 82])

| No. |  Name  | Grade | Age | Marks |
|  1  |  Bob   |   6   | 11  |  95   |
|  2  | Freddy |   4   | 10  |  63   |
|  3  |  John  |   7   | 13  |  82   |

Delete a Row or Column

You can use the pop_column or pop_row function to remove a column or a row respectively.

from beautifultable import BeautifulTable

my_table = BeautifulTable()

my_table.column_headers = ["No.", "Name", "Grade", "Age"]

my_table.append_row([1, "Bob", 6, 11])
my_table.append_row([2, "Freddy", 4, 10])
my_table.append_row([3, "John", 7, 13])



The column at the index 2 is removed as a result of the code on line 11

| No. |  Name  | Age |
|  1  |  Bob   | 11  |
|  2  | Freddy | 10  |
|  3  |  John  | 13  |



pip install tabulate



Import tabulate function from module tabulate. This function takes nested iterable objects like List or Tuple and makes columns on the basis of the comma. Our Example has a List as a parameter for Tabulate.

from tabulate import tabulate
Table = [["Alice", 20],
         ["bob", 14],
-----  --
Alice  20
bob    14
Jon    12
-----  --

One additional parameter of headers = “firstrow” makes first line header.

from tabulate import tabulate
Table = [["name", "age"],
         ["Alice", 20],
         ["bob", 14],
         ["Jon", 12]]
print(tabulate(Table, headers=("firstrow")))
name      age
------  -----
Alice      20
bob        14
Jon        12

if the number of headers is less as compared to the number of columns in the table then the header pointing towards the last column and leaves the first one.

from tabulate import tabulate
Table = [["name", "age"],
         [1, "Alice", 20],
         [2, "bob", 14],
         [3, "Jon", 12]]
print(tabulate(Table, headers=("firstrow")))
    name      age
--  ------  -----
 1  Alice      20
 2  bob        14
 3  Jon        12

In the Table if at any point if the value is missing missingval=”-” parameter print – or whatever the character or number on your own choice into the empty space.

from tabulate import tabulate
Table = [["name", "age"],
         [1, "Alice", 20],
         [2, "bob", ],
         [3, "Jon", 12]]
print(tabulate(Table, headers=("firstrow"), missingval="-"))
    name      age
--  ------  -----
 1  Alice      20
 2  bob         -
 3  Jon        12

Print table with grids

For formatting table with grids pass a parameter tablefmt = “grid”.

from tabulate import tabulate
Table = [["No.", "name", "age"],
         [1, "Alice", 20],
         [2, "bob", ],
         [3, "Jon", 12]]
print(tabulate(Table, headers="firstrow",missingval="-", tablefmt="grid"))
|   No. | name   |   age |
|     1 | Alice  |    20 |
|     2 | bob    |     - |
|     3 | Jon    |    12 |

To make grid more fancy use tablefmt = “fancy_grid” or “rst” . Try it yourself.

Latex Formatting

tabulate function also print table in the Latex format. To print in this format pass parameter tablefmt = “latex” to function.

from tabulate import tabulate
Table = [["No.", "name", "age"],
         [1, "Alice", 20],
         [2, "bob", ],
         [3, "Jon", 12]]
print(tabulate(Table, headers="firstrow",missingval="-", tablefmt="latex"))
   No. & name   &   age \\
     1 & Alice  &    20 \\
     2 & bob    &     - \\
     3 & Jon    &    12 \\

Float Formatting

If in the Table values are of float type and we want to limit them into certain decimal places we use floatfmt = “0.4f” parameter to function tabulate.

from tabulate import tabulate
Table = [["No.", "name", "%marks"],
         [1, "Alice", 96.633333],
         [2, "bob", 33.333333],
         [3, "Jon", 60.6767676]]
print(tabulate(Table, headers="firstrow",missingval="-", tablefmt="rst", floatfmt="0.2f"))
=====  ======  ========
  No.  name      %marks
=====  ======  ========
    1  Alice      96.63    
    2  bob        33.33
    3  Jon        60.68
=====  ======  ========



pip install termtables



Here is a very basic code to display code with termtables

import termtables

data = [
    [1, "Bob", 6, 11],
    [2, "Freddy", 4, 10],
    [3, "John", 7, 13],



│ 1 │ Bob    │ 6 │ 11 │
│ 2 │ Freddy │ 4 │ 10 │
│ 3 │ John   │ 7 │ 13 │

Add a header

Pack your header in a list and use the header parameter to display the header

import termtables

header = ["No.", "Name", "Grade", "Age"]
data = [
    [1, "Bob", 6, 11],
    [2, "Freddy", 4, 10],
    [3, "John", 7, 13],

termtables.print(data, header=header)
│ No. │ Name   │ Grade │ Age │
│ 1   │ Bob    │ 6     │ 11  │
│ 2   │ Freddy │ 4     │ 10  │
│ 3   │ John   │ 7     │ 13  │

Get the table in string format

You can also get the formatted table in string format if you do not want to display it immediately.

import termtables

header = ["No.", "Name", "Grade", "Age"]
data = [
    [1, "Bob", 6, 11],
    [2, "Freddy", 4, 10],
    [3, "John", 7, 13],

table = termtables.to_string(data, header=header)
│ No. │ Name   │ Grade │ Age │
│ 1   │ Bob    │ 6     │ 11  │
│ 2   │ Freddy │ 4     │ 10  │
│ 3   │ John   │ 7     │ 13  │

Change styles

To change the style, use the style parameter and one of the options from

import termtables

header = ["No.", "Name", "Grade", "Age"]
data = [
    [1, "Bob", 6, 11],
    [2, "Freddy", 4, 10],
    [3, "John", 7, 13],

║ No. ║ Name   ║ Grade ║ Age ║
║ 1   ║ Bob    ║ 6     ║ 11  ║
║ 2   ║ Freddy ║ 4     ║ 10  ║
║ 3   ║ John   ║ 7     ║ 13  ║

Following styles are available in termtables.styles

thin = "─│┌┐└┘├┤┬┴┼"
thin_thick = "─│┌┐└┘├┤┬┴┼┝━┿┥"
thin_double = "─│┌┐└┘├┤┬┴┼╞═╪╡"
rounded = "─│╭╮╰╯├┤┬┴┼"
rounded_thick = "─│╭╮╰╯├┤┬┴┼┝━┿┥"
rounded_double = "─│╭╮╰╯├┤┬┴┼╞═╪╡"
thick = "━┃┏┓┗┛┣┫┳┻╋"
thick_thin = "─│┌┐└┘├┤┬┴┼┠─╂┨"
double = "═║╔╗╚╝╠╣╦╩╬"
double_thin = "═║╔╗╚╝╠╣╦╩╬╟─╫╢"
booktabs = "─       ─── ━━ "

ascii_thin = "-|+++++++++"
ascii_thin_double = "-|++++++++++=++"
ascii_double = "=H+++++++++"
ascii_double_thin = "=H++++++++++-++"
ascii_booktabs = "-       --- == "

markdown = " |         |-||"

TerminalTables or AsciiTable


pip install terminaltables



Let’s start with the code to display a table with a header

from terminaltables import AsciiTable

data = [
    ["No.", "Name", "Grade", "Age"],
    [1, "Bob", 6, 11],
    [2, "Freddy", 4, 10],
    [3, "John", 7, 13],
table = AsciiTable(data)
| No. | Name   | Grade | Age |
| 1   | Bob    | 6     | 11  |
| 2   | Freddy | 4     | 10  |
| 3   | John   | 7     | 13  |

Table without header

By default, it considers the first row as the header. If you don’t have the header, you can build the table like this:

from terminaltables import AsciiTable

data = [
    [1, "Bob", 6, 11],
    [2, "Freddy", 4, 10],
    [3, "John", 7, 13],
table = AsciiTable(data)
table.inner_heading_row_border = False
| 1 | Bob    | 6 | 11 |
| 2 | Freddy | 4 | 10 |
| 3 | John   | 7 | 13 |

Separator for all the rows

If you want to add a border to all the rows, you can set inner_row_border to True.

from terminaltables import AsciiTable

data = [
    [1, "Bob", 6, 11],
    [2, "Freddy", 4, 10],
    [3, "John", 7, 13],
table = AsciiTable(data)
table.inner_row_border = True
| 1 | Bob    | 6 | 11 |
| 2 | Freddy | 4 | 10 |
| 3 | John   | 7 | 13 |

Table Title

You can also add a title to the table by setting its title property.

from terminaltables import AsciiTable

data = [
    [1, "Bob", 6, 11],
    [2, "Freddy", 4, 10],
    [3, "John", 7, 13],
table = AsciiTable(data)
table.inner_heading_row_border = False
table.title = "Test Table"
+Test Table--+---+----+
| 1 | Bob    | 6 | 11 |
| 2 | Freddy | 4 | 10 |
| 3 | John   | 7 | 13 |

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